graduate collection
young designer
A couple of weeks ago on the 13th of October 2017 the Department of Fashion design at the Berlin based "Weißensee fashion school" proudly presented their graduate collections and design projects.
I've often heard people who work in fashion say that those who just started implementing their first visions are always the ones with the best ideas. Why? The longer you work in the industry, the more ideas you have already converted into garments. Furthermore, many young designers have to accept at some point that "the extraordinary" is not really what brings the revenue. That's why they alter their ideas, change them to make their fashion profitable. If they don't end up at a Couture atelier or alike they presumably won't ever be as creative as they have been in those precious years studying their profession. That's why it is always a pleasure to look at graduates final shows.
Many of you probably know that my mom used to be a fashion designer. With that said you guys can probably imagine how "present" fashion designs and ideas have always been in my life. Haha, I actually remember my first magazine being a Vogue. I always liked looking at the beautiful people in those magazines. Haha, when I was younger, I would always cut out the sections that inspired me and collect them in several collages. Not much has changed since then. I still love looking at the different campaigns and fashion shoots. However, I like watching runway show even more. The blog opened many doors for me. New travels, events and fashion shows have become a part of my life and I am very thankful for that.
// Graduate collections have always been my favorite to watch. That's why I couldn't resist sharing this selection of (in my opinion) the best designs of the show. I feel like many of the styles resemble the "Berlin spirit" a lot. What do you guys think? Do you have a favorite designer or design?
// Graduate collections have always been my favorite to watch. That's why I couldn't resist sharing this selection of (in my opinion) the best designs of the show. I feel like many of the styles resemble the "Berlin spirit" a lot. What do you guys think? Do you have a favorite designer or design?
Rose Redhead

BA Georg Friedrich Gebhardt
MA Caecilia Pohl
MA Caecilia Pohl
BA Georg Friedrich Gebhardt
BA Georg Friedrich Gebhardt

MA Judith Bondy
MA Celine Kesselring
Laura Lührmann & Alma Johanna Hagen
Laura Lührmann & Alma Johanna Hagen
MA Lina Phyllis Falkner
MA Florian Schulze
BA Georg Friedrich Gebhardt
BA Georg Friedrich Gebhardt
BA Dina Kemmerling
MA Caecilia Pohl
MA Caecilia Pohl
MA Yvonne Wadewitz
BA Cecilie Schou Grønbeck
BA Georg Friedrich Gebhardt
BA Maria Miottke
BA Georg Friedrich Gebhardt
BA Georg Friedrich Gebhardt
MA Florian Schulze
BA Cecilie Schou Grønbeck
MA Selin Sahin
BA Yudhi Mulyawan Adhimiharja
BA Jakob Richter
BA Johanna Liebl
MA Florian Schulze
Credit : Heike Overberg
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