The last couple of days have been so beautiful and sunny that I feel like today might be a great o...

The last couple of days have been so beautiful and sunny that I feel like today might be a great opportunity to tell you about the Mint & Berry Flower market that I've been to a couple of weeks ago. Berlin is currently 30 degrees hot and I wish that there would be a place just as filled with flowers as the flower market to enjoy. It was truly beautiful as you can see in the pictures. To tell the truth, I was close to not attending, but my friend Nessie and the good reputation of the event made me change my mind. And I am happy that I did change it as we had such a great time there! Moreover, we have been really lucky as we went to the location a bit early... When we left around an hour later the place was so crowded that the people had to wait in line for over an hour to get in. When entering  you were almost carried away by all the different flower types. I've been especially keen on the mini cactus families that were all over the place! But as I am the worst of botanists I decided to let them survive by not taking one of them home. However, that's a whole other story! To come to an end, I would love to point out that the beautiful cake that you can see on the pictures was absolutely delicious. Haha, just a little note at the end! Now, let the pictures speak..

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