Right before I went to Canada my friend and I stopped in the greatest city in the world. NEW YORK! It was a dream come true and always one of my biggest wishes to see the "Big Apple". Its still hard for me to process all the beautiful memories that I made this year and New York was one of them . Everything is just so different compared to Europe. Absolutely mind-blowing! My favourite spot was definitely the times square by night. You see all these pictures that look really good but its nothing compared to the feeling that you have when you stand right there. All that I could think of was: Wow, no picture can show this beauty. It might be a bit cheesy but the article is called "A love letter to New York" so please don't judge me, haha. It really felt like it. Thats why I'm so happy to announce  that I will go back for a couple of days in December! I was really sad about the entire "Leaving Canada" situation and my parents could feel that and since I got accepted to one of the best High Schools because I worked really hard this year they told me that I am allowed to fly up there during Christmas and New Years (my only holidays really) You guys can imagine how I felt when they told me that! I was literally smiling for a week. My destination was Canada and my mom would join me this time so we decided to stop in New York for a couple of days because she never saw the states and this was just the perfect "excuse" for ourselves to do it (since we went up there anyways) So here are some of the pictures I took in this beautiful city 


Here we are again. A year after I stopped writing on this platform thinking about the same questions. "Should I stop writing?" "Am I still as passionate as I was before?" "Is it the right decision... to start with all the work again ?". There are just a lot of new things on my plate right now. I just came back from Canada a couple weeks ago and have to start getting back into my normal daily routine while thinking about my senior year in high school that starts really soon. Haha, my little difficulties might seem little compared to other problems but to continue blogging while graduating in two languages for two diplomas -the german Abitur AND the international IB- at the same time seem like a huge challenge for me if I really want to continue writing with my full heart. I don't want to start blogging for a second time without putting passion into my work. I met a lot of fashion bloggers in my 2 years of being a part of this, who just lost all there love in doing what they once loved so much and I don't want to be that. I'm not a big fan of putting so much effort and energy in a hobby that doesn't mean something to you. Time is just to precious to waste.
When I close my eyes for a moment and actually think about the journey that I made the last year I realize that it feels like a surreal dream and now I'm back in my hometown feeling like I never left. I'm not the same person I used to be and yet theres this feeling of "nothing has changed". So I'm back here, in my normal life realizing that there's something missing that was a huge part of the -me- here in Germany. I got a lot of E-Mails from people telling me that I should start blogging again and I have to admit that it simply feels wrong to be back home without starting to write again. Berlin feels different without Fashion Fou. So here I am. After 10 months starting what I stopped for way to long. My Blog!

Shirt : Stefanel
Shoes : Zara
Shorts : Lacoste
Watch : Gucci 
Kiss bracelet : Gina Tricot
Ring : No Name