Heute ein paar (zugegebener maßen) etwas verspätete Bilder der vergangenen Fashion Week. Im heutigen Post habe ich mich mit dem vierten, also vorletztem Tag befasst. Dieser war einer der spannendsten für mich, da zum ersten mal auch türkische Designer vorgestellt wurden. Besonders die Istanbul Next stageshow hat mich beeindruckt.
Today I show you the pictures of the 4th day of Fashion Week although I'm honestly a little bit late with uploading. This day was one of the most exciting for me, because there were for the first time also Turkish designers represented. I particularly liked the Istanbul Next stageshow.
Today I show you the pictures of the 4th day of Fashion Week although I'm honestly a little bit late with uploading. This day was one of the most exciting for me, because there were for the first time also Turkish designers represented. I particularly liked the Istanbul Next stageshow.
Anne Gorke
Asli Filinsta (Istanbul Next)
Istanbul Next (Runway)
Heute melde ich mich das erste mal aus Kanada, wo ich das gesamte nächste Jahr verbringen werde. Wir wachsen ja schließlich an unseren Aufgaben. Da es hier temperaturmäßig eher Richtung Herbst geht, habe ich euch heute eine kleine Collage meines liebsten Herbstoutfits zusammengestellt. Da es in Deutschland bestimmt ebenfalls langsam etwas kälter wird ist hoffentlich auch etwas für euch dabei. Und im schlimmsten Fall : Der naechste Herbst kommt bestimmt!
Today I greet you for the first time from canada, where I will spend the whole of next year. Finally, we grow on our tasks. Here it is temperature-wise more on its way direction autumn. So I've put yoy today a little collage of my favorite fall outfit together. Since it is determined also getting a bit colder in Germany is hopefully also something for you there. And in the worst case: the next autumn comes for sure !
Today I greet you for the first time from canada, where I will spend the whole of next year. Finally, we grow on our tasks. Here it is temperature-wise more on its way direction autumn. So I've put yoy today a little collage of my favorite fall outfit together. Since it is determined also getting a bit colder in Germany is hopefully also something for you there. And in the worst case: the next autumn comes for sure !
Scarf/Schal : Alexander McQueen
Shoes/Schuhe: Valentino
Bag/Tasche: Stella McCartney Falabella
Necklace and bracelet/ Kette und Armband : Tiffany&co
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