Da ich während der Fashion Week unglaublich viele Bilder geschossen habe, die ich nicht so recht einordnen kann, werdet ihr heute wieder mit einer großen Ladung Bilder bombadiert -die ich so kreativ ich bin- einfach Impressionen nenne. Ich hoffe ihr findet trotzdem gefallen an ein paar Bildern. Allerliebst, Meroda
I shot a lot of pictures during the fashion week and so are here some pictures I can't really order so I call them - as creative as I am... Imprassions from Fashion Week. I hope you like some of them anyway.. Lots of love, Meroda.
I shot a lot of pictures during the fashion week and so are here some pictures I can't really order so I call them - as creative as I am... Imprassions from Fashion Week. I hope you like some of them anyway.. Lots of love, Meroda.